Call for Abstracts

Abstracts on all technological and computing as well as organizational and system ergonomic aspects of anaesthesiology, intensive care and emergency medicine are most welcome.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Proceedings and the Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (JCMC) by Springer Publishers.

Authors of selected abstracts from the ESCTAIC meeting will be requested to write full articles for a special issue of the Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing.

Abstract Format:
•Accepted language: English
•Accepted fonts: "Times" or "Times New Roman" size 12
•Spacing between lines: 12-14
•Spacing between paragraphs: 15-18
•Maximum length: two A4 page
•Authors: not more than 6 names, first author underlined
•Institution: full name, city, country
•Structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References
•Charts and graphs: only black and white (must fit into the A4 pages)

Abstract Submission:
Please send your abstract('s) as a Word file via email to:
Deadline for acceptance: 15th of April 2012