Membership is open to anyone
interested in computing and technology in anaesthesia and intensive
care. Please contact the ESCTAIC treasurer at Treasurer @
advantages of membership are:
As a member of ESCTAIC you have access to other members in most
European countries. Our experts in field discuss a wide range of topics
related to technology in medicine.
For the annual meetings of ESCTAIC, members pay a reduced congress fee.
This reduction is typically higher than the annual fee for the society.
Members of ESCTAIC have the right to vote in the Annual General
Meeting. They can also become officers on the Executive Board.
The annual membership fee for ESCTAIC is EUR 50 / USD 70
and is used purely for the administration of basic membership
lists, to cover postage costs and the costs of distributing information.
How to become a member:
You can download a zip-file with all important information and a
membership form :